Are You and Your Business Missing This Key Connection?

In my recent conversations with business leaders and professionals, I’ve observed a common thread: an overwhelming focus on what they do. This emphasis on the ‘what’—the tasks, processes, and deliverables—has, unfortunately, overshadowed something far more potent: the engaging of the heart. ❤️

In the rush to articulate their core competencies, many have neglected the emotional and relational core that truly connects people. But, as I’ve seen time and time again, it’s the heart behind what you do that leaves a lasting impression.

Let’s delve into two real-life examples that illustrate this principle.

One of my clients, a successful entrepreneur, recently came to me feeling stuck. Despite her achievements, she struggled to define what made her different. As we explored her experiences, we noticed a recurring theme: her innate ability to make others feel valued and cared for.

Key connections

This realization seemed so simple to her—almost too simple. “How did I miss this?” she asked. But that’s the thing about our unique qualities: they’re often so ingrained in who we are that we overlook them. The solution is sometimes we all need a bit of help to see what’s right in front of us.

Once she recognized this as her superpower, we crafted a strategy to amplify it. She recorded a video interview that wasn’t just about her services but about her—the person behind the business. The way she speaks, the warmth in her eyes, the authenticity in her words—all of it was captured to show her true essence.

Next, we revisited her testimonials. Instead of focusing solely on outcomes, we highlighted the emotional impact she had on her clients. Her messaging became a reflection of her heart, not just her skills.

The transformation was profound. She not only gained clarity in her purpose but also reignited a passion that had been dimmed by routine. Her business, now infused with this authentic connection, is flourishing, and her relationships with clients have deepened in ways she hadn’t imagined.

Another client, a seasoned professional, recounted a job interview that he believed he had “aced.” He detailed his technical expertise and problem-solving skills with precision, impressing the interviewers with his knowledge.

But when we dissected the interview, a glaring omission became evident. He had excelled in the logical and intellectual aspects but had failed to connect on a human level. He didn’t share his values, his motivations, or how his life experiences aligned with the company’s mission.

He missed the opportunity to show that he wasn’t just qualified for the job but that he belonged there—that he was a natural fit with the team’s culture and vision. In trying to be the perfect candidate on paper, he left his heart—the very thing that sets him apart—out of the equation.

The result? The job went to someone else. It wasn’t his technical abilities that cost him the role; it was the absence of an emotional connection.

Engagement Lessons

These stories underscore a critical lesson: success, whether in business or personal endeavors, isn’t just about what you do. It’s about how you do it—how you bring your whole self into every interaction. The way you communicate, the values you project, and the emotions you convey can make all the difference.

When you engage your heart, you invite others to see you—not just your abilities, but the person behind them. You become more than a service provider or a job candidate; you become someone people trust, relate to, and want to work with.

In a world that often prioritizes efficiency over empathy, it’s easy to lose sight of this truth. But imagine what could happen if you brought your heart into every conversation, every project, and every decision. Imagine the depth of relationships you could build, the loyalty you could inspire, and the fulfillment you could achieve.

Transform Your Business Relationships

If you find yourself focusing too much on the ‘what’ and not enough on the ‘why,’ perhaps it’s time to reconnect with your heart. Together, we can rediscover the emotional core of your work and infuse it into every aspect of your business and life. The results could be transformative.

Let’s embark on this journey of re-engaging the heart—because it’s not just about doing more; it’s about being more.

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- Jim Steuer