

Mid-Year Reset

Wow, we’re already six months into the new year! Time sure flies. How are you doing? How are your goals? Are you moving closer, or do they still seem far away?  I hope everyone is moving closer

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Find Your Super Power

Discover Your “Super Powers” (Part 1)

Creating Alignment From the Inside-Out So Your “Super Powers” Are Free   I’ve discovered that creating alignment from the inside out allows an individual’s true power to flourish. We all have internal barriers that might prevent

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Develop Your Listening

Better Listening … Better Life

For the longest time, I believed that listening was simply about hearing what others had to say. It seemed encapsulated by the phrase, “I hear you.” However, my perspective on listening has evolved significantly. True listening

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Jamie - Jim

Why “Worthy” Matters

  I love to read and make it a priority to read something inspirational for 30 minutes every day. Every book I read, helps me learn more about myself and become a better person to others.

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elevator buttons

The Elevator Pitch

In our fast-paced world, making a lasting impression is essential, especially when time is limited. Often, listeners may not be initially interested in what you have to say. To overcome this, it’s crucial to not just

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New Beginnings

Second Chances: A New Beginning

  Many people find themselves in business by accident, recruited into a company. They progress by learning how to operate within the structure of the company and its people as well. Sometimes they stay in the

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Butterfly Garden FI

Nurturing Nature

  Summer is in full swing. Mother Nature has created an abundance of beauty for us to view and allow inspiration from all we see and smell. The world around us is alive. August is a

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chocolate chip mint ice cream

It’s Time to Celebrate

  It’s National Ice Cream Month + National Ice Cream Day All In July 🍨🎉🥰 As a society we go from one event or one task to the next. We have an endless list of to-do’s.

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New Year’s Goals Part 2

  The year is approaching the half way mark. It’s a great time to check in and review your New Year’s goals. I have found that with the weather improving, I am outside more, and my

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Leadership …. With Love

  Times are a changin’ and if you are leading, you need to change too. It used to be that I’d tell you what to do and you’d just do it. Then, I’d advise you and

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Everything is Love

  As I talk with and listen to leaders in the business world, I am constantly reminded to get out of my head and use my heart as a guide. One of my recent discovering your

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