Everyone has heard about a suggestion box put out to elicit ideas on how your business can improve. Businesses even reward people whose ideas help save money or make the company $$$’s.
How about putting out a question box?
You might ask why is that needed? Can’t someone just ask a question at a meeting and get an answer?
If only it was that simple.🤔
In today’s ultra competitive environment people are afraid to speak up now more than ever. They are scared of being perceived as stupid. They might not want their peers to know they don’t have all the answers. Plus they might be shy and don’t like asking questions in a group session. All of these excuses don’t help the persons peers or the company for that matter either.
The question box promotes people’s ability to ask questions anonymously. The question may be anonymous but the information shared from the question usually benefits everyone.
Keep the dialogue going no matter how it is done. The more information that is shared the better.
Provide people a place where they can ask for help and not be intimidated in front of their peers.
The question box helps one and all!