Our world today puts information above all else. We have the ability to have answers to any situation at our finger tips. Now AI is even doing our thinking for us. Plus it is doing our work for us as well.
Amazing how easy knowledge is available and how simply we can get things done.
I feel that is only part of the equation.
How do you know the information you have obtained reflects who you are? How certain are you the answers are something you believe in? Are these something you feel confident in and others will see this as the genuine you?
I feel your heart needs to always be engaged in everything you do.
The heart is your compass. It helps feel things that you cannot see. The heart is the center of your being. An open heart looks at everything in a unique way. Like a child it can feel what is happening without any filter.
An example comes to mind with our dog, Izzy. She looks at everything from the inside out. We were out for a walk yesterday and she saw a little dog that we had not seen before which she normally is excited to engage with. However, this time she did not seem interested. I thought that was peculiar. Yet, when the dog walked by us he growled and snapped at her. Then, on the same walk a large pit bull was approaching us. Izzy seemed excited to meet a new friend. I was concerned and asked the owner if the dog was friendly. The answer was yes and Izzy and her new friend Murphy had a great time together. Dogs have instincts and let their heart guide them.
We can use the combo of the mind and heart too. The heart is your vehicle for feeling and without your heart all your reactions to people and information are based on how they look and act. By putting your heart into the equation you can see how it feels too. This breadth of your evaluation is much deeper and adds another dimension to your decision making.
The critical factor is to have an open heart and use it in every situation.
I was just at a personal growth event in Austin,Texas and every person I was attracted to had an open heart. I experienced pure happiness and energy just being around them. Amazing is how that made me feel.❤️
Like minded people can be a good match for friends and business partners. Like hearted people lead to a deeper connection and I feel leads to a potentially longer term relationship where you feel linked together.
In the world today, we need more longer term relationships especially with those who have a similar heart.
Your Mind + Your Heart = The Authentic You
The authentic you can grow, be a partner with others, be a true leader, and always set an example for others to follow. Allow yourself to form deeper relationships with others based on what is inside of you.
Together the mind and heart are an unbeatable combination for all you do and all you are.💪