You might think with all the information available on the net rational thinking would drive decision making. After all anyone can find the answers they desire through research. Then you can put the information in an organized form like a chart or an excel spreadsheet. Finally you can easily see the answer and your deductive reasoning and visualization lead to an answer. However, research continues to show that over 90% of decisions involve the heart which only leaves 10% for the head and the approach described above. The heart stores emotions and feelings. If you want a successful outcome you must include the heart. Integrate raw emotion into all the forms of communication with your customer. Provide them with a feeling they are making the right decision in working with you, buying your product or even sharing their time with you. They have a choice and wanting to will always beat having to. Integrate feelings with facts but always remember the heart dominates any decision.
In the end you and your customer will feel better.