Everyone is being told to stay away from each other. Don’t go out unless you have to. If you are elderly, stay away from even your family. The result is people feel very alone, scared, and above all isolated. What can you do in this situation?
Well, if you can’t be with someone in person, then do the next best thing. Talk with them over the phone, via Face Time, or the internet or Zoom and do it frequently.
Communication creates connectivity. Share your feelings. Share your experiences. Connection helps others cope with their anxiety as well as you. Make people feel you care. This type of communication is an anecdote to isolation. By sharing experiences and thoughts you remove the isolation barrier.
This tactic is not just for your personal life. It applies to business relationships as well. Call your customers and discuss with them what is going on. Hopefully, by discussing what is going on in your life, that will lead them to open up about their lives and what they are going through. Good or bad experiences don’t matter. The result is you become closer to your customer. Call old customers and reminisce about the “good old days”. All communication creates a greater depth in your relationships.
The more people you can connect with in your life, the less you feel alone. These people make you feel more whole and less isolated.
Now, get up off your duff and make that call!