The ambassadors for your brand are your internal team. They are the ones who communicate with your customers. How do you treat them? Do they have everything they need to succeed? What do they know about the company and its future?
What can you do to make your team believe you are going to be successful? Help them understand what you are doing to promote growth. Share with them regularly how much you value their efforts. Focus on training them in areas they need to grow to be more successful. Then, recognize how they have grown. Invest in their future and your business will be rewarded.
They will believe they can make a difference and in turn be more committed to your success. They will be more innovative as they see through their creativity the business has a better chance to flourish. They will work better together as the greater good is their goal.
Give to your internal team and they will give back even more.
If you take care of your people they will take care of you and your business.