Businesses today have many more ways of reaching customers. It does not matter if they are existing, new or potential customers. Too many businesses focus on how they are unique. What they have to offer. Here are our features we can give you if you purchase from us.
All of these approaches help explain who you are and what you do. Everything is based on the business. In other words the communication is inside out. In the end of this approach the customer understands all about you. The problem is there is nothing about me, the customer, in this approach.
The critical question that is yet to be addressed is why should I do business with you? What do I get out of dealing with you? What do you do that makes me feel better or special as a result of buying from you?
In order to obtain my business, you are going to have to explain in detail why you are the answer. That approach requires you to ask questions to uncover the customer’s problems. Then you can target your answer to how you will solve their problem. In this way, the customer feels you understand them and that understanding leads to an emotion of trust.