Key Tip: Your voice matters
Today, your voice matters more than ever. When you are face to face with somebody they can see the total you. Not just your voice but your physical presence as well. People can get an idea of who you are by how you carry yourself. Do you stand up straight? Do you look the person you are speaking with directly in the eye? Do you acknowledge what the other person is saying? Do you maintain eye contact when they are speaking?
All of these actions are now substituted by your words and magnified. They need to connote your physical presence by how you talk. Your voice inflection matters more than ever. Make sure you connect with what the other person is saying in your response immediately when you talk. Don’t go in another direction until you have made sure they know you have heard them.
All forms of communication are now connected to your voice. Are you happy, angry, or neutral with what is being discussed? Remember everything else is now secondary to your voice. Many calls don’t even allow for pictures and sometimes you might not want to be seen.
Key Tip: Speak as if you are engaged, cheerful, and ready to learn
Your attitude matters more than ever. Before the call, I have found it is critical to get in a positive frame of mind. Practice speaking out loud, so your voice sounds like you have been talking before the call, especially for early morning calls.
Now, during the call, make sure you have thought about what you are going to say before you speak as um’s and uh’s are magnified. Breathe as you speak to allow your mind to maintain a natural flow with the spoken word. Every word matters as you can no longer interrupt someone else as easily on zoom versus in face to face get togethers. Also when calls have an audience of 5 or more people everyone usually has a chance to speak. Your turn is more important than ever as you will have to wait until your turn comes up again if you missed a point.
Key Tip: Always smile
Smiling when you speak has a huge impact on others. People feel good listening to you. Plus, optimists are perceived to be more knowledgeable as their confidence comes across as more self-assured. After all happiness is contagious. People will follow you.
Zoom has become a critical vehicle to business. Follow these tips and you can Zoom ahead of your competition!