Everyone is talking about content. You need to have lots of information put out by your social media department. Tell people what you do. Educate people why they should buy from you. Keep communicating about how you have evolved. How you are better today than yesterday!
I say enough is enough.
Stop telling me about yourself. Quit being so insular in your communication. I am tired of your soliloquies.
It is time for a change. Start sharing information with me. Talk about business from the outside in. Look at things from my perspective. Provide information that has a competitive bent. Look at what others have. Tell me what they have to offer. Help me compare them to you. In your discourse focus on a competitive assessment today and how you plan to keep that edge in the future.
Help me to see how you are not just the best choice today but that you will be the right selection for tomorrow too.
Information is helpful. Competitive content can be the difference between revenue from a sale and just more thinking.