Whether you are a large company with multiple divisions in the USA and abroad or a small entrepreneurial business, it is important to have only one story. The large enterprise may have multiple departments with their own priorities. It is critical for the corporate vision to be integrated into all forms of communication internally as well as externally. The smaller company may perceive their messaging is much easier as they do not have as many moving parts or people for that matter. However,most of the time these small businesses do not have a story to tell as their businesses are still evolving and they think the messaging can wait.
The inconsistencies in communication or the ones missing all together will be noticed today. The internal team will be confused as to what is going on. The consumers will feel the company does not know what it is doing. In both cases, nothing good can come out of this situation. The solution in every case is for communication to be clear consistent and concise. Make it simple for people to understand what you do and why you do it. This unified approach will create comfort internally with your team as they will understand the direction you are heading. Your customers will feel good in that they are on board with your future.
Clear, Consistent, Concise, communication is good for everyone.
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