Have you been saying the same thing for quite some time? Have the results of your interactions with existing and potential customers reached a point where you are being tuned out? Has your staff quit listening to what you have to say because it sounds repetitive to them? Has your point of difference changed? Have your interactions with your customers changed? Does your business feel old and tired?
If the answer to any of these questions is “yes,” it might be time to rebrand your enterprise.
What does a rebranding entail? Here are some simple guidelines to get you started.
- Conduct a survey with the staff as to what they think your brand means to them today as well as yesterday.
- Conduct a similar survey with existing customers and a couple of customers you may not have successfully sold.
- Have a brainstorming session with the staff about what they like about the company and where they see it heading.
From the data above you can begin to rebrand your business. Sometimes it is easier to hire a person from the outside to assist with this exercise as they will not have an inherent bias as to what has occurred in the past. A reminder- our minds follow the simplest path which is based on the past. New thinking can lead to fresh ideas.
- Several other areas that need to be examined include:
Has the market changed since you last branded your company? - Are there new competitors? If so, how are they branded and how are they impacting your sales efforts?
- Has your staff evolved in any way?
- Do you sell anything new or different from previously?
- Do you operate in any unique way today?
- Do you want to sell new products or services?
These questions should help define who you are and ensure that your new brand integrates the past, present, and future into a single message that resonates both internally and externally. Create a new communication strategy with new marketing to ensure the message is consistent across all touch points.
Now, get out there and communicate how your new brand makes you the best solution for all your customers!